How It Works

The Studio


We love our pets so  much and when we lose one it can be devastating.  It surely was for me and I found that by writing about it, it helped me heal.  And then putting the music with it was even more healing and each time I hear the song I feel better.

I also had a fun song for Spirit from her puppy days that I sang until the end.  She would even come when I sang it out to her.  All my friends knew the song, too, and loved it!  It has always been something that brought humour and happiness!


How it works

Check out the packages we offer.  Each one has choice of genre and tempo.  Simply choose what genre you desire (Singer Songwriter, Pop) tempo, (upbeat or ballad) and place your order.  We also offer the Rock Package which is a full production.  We feel in order for a song to rock, it needs all the elements of instrumentation!

After you order, we will email you for details of your pet to begin writing the lyrics.  You can also send us lyrics you have to put in or share phrases you'd like in the song, etc.  Before we record, we will send you the lyrics to review.

Your order includes an instrumental version as well so you can karaoke if you so desire!

If you would like a video as well, add that onto your order and we will ask for 10 photos or so of your pet to put the music to.  You will receive a video of photos with your song, the song itself and the instrumental version.

Allow one week for turnaround.  But we shoot for sooner!

Pet Song Packages

Pet Song Demos